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5 April 2009

Welcome Speech from the Founder of 1661 Kowloon Group of Air Scouts

Group Scout Leader Mr. Francis Y.C. Chin, Q.S., J.P.

1661旅 創辦人 旅長錢耀昌太平紳士歡迎詞 

A very warm welcome to all of you from the bottom of our hearts. Thank you for your patronage to support the 1661st Kowloon Group. The official Inauguration of the 1661st Kowloon Group of Air Scouts today is the harvest of 3 full years’ hard work, sweat, tears and sleepless nights of all hands since the inception of the idea of realization and promotion of aviation education in 2007 by forming an Air Scout group at Hong Kong Aviation Club Kai Tak. It is a miracle made possible by the sacrifice, perseverance and dedication of selfless volunteers who has decided to make a dream come true as well as the support of the Hong Kong Aviation Club. Without the support and accommodation of the Hong Kong Aviation Club and its members, the Group is an impossibility. Here we wish to express out sincere gratitude and salutation to our sponsor – the Hong Kong Aviation Club and its presidents and members. 

It is our dream to establish a charitable community service sponsored by the Hong Kong Aviation Club aiming to promote aviation education and to encourage flying among the young people of Hong Kong by adopting the Scout Method. Following the Aims and Objectives of the Scouting Movement, the Group aims to provide experience flying opportunity and aviation training that might otherwise be prohibitively expensive for the average youth of Hong Kong. In addition, the Group provides opportunities for young people on leadership and character development as flying nurtures a high level of self-discipline and good Airmanship. The Group also equips young people with aviation knowledge, skills and aspirations that might lead to future careers in the aviation industry and building up human resources in aerospace for Hong Kong and China. 

It is a classical Team Building exercise starting with one person with minimal resource and means who ventured to commence with the first meeting to rally volunteers from all walks of life on 4 August 2007. (see the historical photos below). The formation of an Air Scout Group is a difficult task against all odds especially when volunteers disappeared from the historic photos as enthusiasm waned. Here I wish to extend my special appreciation to our Chairman Dr. Billy Yen, helicopter pilots Philippe Li, Arthur Cheng, SK Wong, and aviation enthusiasts Samson Lo, Eddie Nara who are the original founding members of the 1661st Kowloon Group of Air Scouts.  I wish to thank them for their loyalty, dedication and perseverance to fight against all odds and hang on with me from the first meeting to this day in the pursuance of our dream of aviation education by providing a quality air Scout Group for all the young people of Hong Kong.  Thank you very much. Good on you my fellow Scout Leaders! 

I wish to thank all the parents, especially the GEC members, whose support, active participation and dedication have solved much difficulties and made many activities successfully possible.


Now our dream has come true and is a “nice piece of cake” for all young people of Hong Kong to participate and enjoy!


I wish to sincerely thank Commissioner Lai and all staff of the Kowloon City District, Mr. Anthony Lui Commissioner(AA) Kowloon Region, and Mr. Edward Chan Kam Sau, our most active GEC member and ADC (Venture) Hung Hom District. Edward who wrote many good articles of our Group on the Scouting News and designed our Group logo with an aircraft representing us flying out of bounds and impossibility. Without their friendship, kind support and advice, the 1661st Kowloon Group would not have progressed and developed into full strength in a short time.


I would like to thank Group Captain. Jones Wong, the Commanding Officer (designate) of the Hong Kong Air Cadet Corps (HKACC). Gpt. Cpt. Wong has come personally to give us support. Incidentally, I have long historical ties with the HKACC by serving as their Officer Commanding Training and, before retirement, as their Commanding Officer in the 1980s when I established their permanent HQs at the present site at the HK Aviation Club. I also designed, set up and started their Officer Cadet Training Course (OCTC) that have trained countless HKACC officers from my days in the 1908s to today. Most importantly, I am instrumental in upgrading the HKACC from a private club to a charitable voluntary agency enjoying government subvention since the 1980s and the HKACC is now the richest organization here in Kai Tak.  Gpt. Cpt. Wong and I have long acquaintance in both Scouting and the Air Cadet Movement. I am looking forward to future cooperation between the Air Scouts and the Air Cadets benefiting all the young people of Hong Kong. 

On behalf of the 1661 Kowloon Group of Air Scouts, I wish to express our most sincere gratitude to all the distinguished guests and parents for your patronage and support and hope you would enjoy the inauguration programme and activities.


Greetings from Mr. Anthony Chan

Chief Commissioner SAHK





















              香港總監陳傑 柱題



Greetings from Mr. Lai Kwok Wing

Kowloon City District Commissioner







Speech of District Commissioner Kowloon City

Honourable guests, Mr Chin, fellow Scout leaders, Scouts and parents: 

I am very honoured to be invited to witness the commencement of the 1661 Scout Group. Today’s ceremony is truly a memorable event. Not only is it an important moment to the 1661 Scout Group, but also the whole Kowloon City District. After years of waiting, the first Air Scout group of the district is finally founded. 

The mission of the Hong Kong Scout movement is to educate young people and to promote whole person development for today’s youth. Through Air Scout activities, teenagers can widen their scope and develop a global perspective. They will accumulate other learning experience from different areas, and build up their characters and values. 

As we all know, the founder of this Scout group, Mr Chin is a veteran Scout leader. Through the years, he had enthusiastically and actively contributed to the development of the Scout movement in Hong Kong. He is also a professional in the area of flight and aviation. Thanks must be given to his hard work in making the 1661 Air Scout Group a reality. 

The Hong Kong Aviation Club had agreed to act as the organising authority and to provide facilities for the Scout activities of the 1661 Scout Group in the future. Under such favourable circumstances, the 1661 Scout Group had been recruiting members since last year. The numbers steadily increased as more and more hard-working Scout leaders join the Group. Under their combined efforts, the Group has significantly grown in size and has become an active member in our district. 

Today, the 1661 Scout Group is officially founded. I believe, in the coming years, under the support of our devoted Scout leaders and parents, the 1661 Scout Group will be able to overcome all obstacles and make further success.  

I have strong faith, that the 1661 Scout Group, like a newborn eagle, will soon spread its wings and soar to heights that have never been reached before. 

In the end, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you good health, and have a fruitful year, thank you.

Lai Kwok Wing

District Commissioner 5/4/2009


Greetings from Mr. Pang Chung BBS

The Honorary Secretary General

Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of  Hong Kong China





中國香港體育協會暨奧林匹克委員會義務秘書長彭冲先生, BBS









Greetings from Mr. Garson Lee

Deputy Chief Commissioner (Operations) SAHK 





Greetings from Dr. Rebecca Lee, MH

Chairperson, Programme committee SAHK 



鴻鵠展翅 飛上雲霄 




Greetings from Mr LI Tak-yan

Assistant Chief Commissioner (Kowloon Region) 







Greetings from Mr. Kwan Ki

Assistant Chief Commissioner (HK Region) 








Greetings from Mr. Anthony Lui

Commissioner (Air activity) Kowloon Region

"Fly up high!" 


Greetings from 1656 NT Group  (YMCA of HK Christian College)

Greetings from Air Scouts & Parents

Do all the good you can,

To all the people you can,

In all places you can,

As long as ever you can.

From anonymous






 I joined the Air Scout family for about 10 months. The 10 months in Air Scout had been fun and very memorable. I also gained lots of different knowledge here. My life changed a lot after I joined the Scout.
 Hou Ho Wan
 Kingfisher Patrol

鴻鵠高飛,賀1661旅空童軍成立之喜       Wesley Chan




Flying is our dream.

All of us are trying our best!

Ivan Chow

(Kingfisher Petrol)

Congratulations to the inauguration of 1661:  Wishing all the scouts grow and learn from strength to strength and be dedicated to live for others!

"We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give."     --  Winston churchill

Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.   -- Albert Einstein

Averil Kan & Asher Kan 

"No one can predict to what heights you can soar
  Even you will not know until you spread your wings."

黎國良 黎凱賢  林翠君      Vincent LAI  Ian LAI   Angel Lam 


壯志凌雲   翱翔天際

啟迪潛能   擴闊視野


何嘉濠 Kelvin K.H. Ho

Let's work hard together to achieve our dreams in the sky." 

D:\Ivy\jzg 044.jpg

Hou Hei Wan  Hawk Patrol Leader



Kenneth Ngai  Hawk Petrol




Ivan Ngai  Blue Pack

Greetings from Leaders 


Hope everyone at 1661 fly high on their dreams.

 Instructor Zhao Tien Xiong

Greetings from

General Executive Committee members

Congradulation to the Inauguration of 1661st Kowloon Group of Air Scout

"Today's Young Eagle Scout,

Tomorrow's Leader in Aviation, 

Take-Off and Soar above the Sky " 

香港童軍總會-九龍地域第1661旅空童軍團旅務委員會 義務司庫-鄒永祥Francis Chow

Fly to the Sky

Aim High and Wide

All the Best to 1661 Scouts & Guys


香港童軍總會-九龍地域第1661旅空童軍團旅務委員會義務秘書-羅碧君 Chickita Law 


Hope everyone at 1661 fly high on their dreams.

香港童軍總會-九龍地域第1661旅空童軍團旅務委員會委員林明志-Eddie Nara




 香港童軍總會-九龍地域第1661旅空童軍團旅務委員會委員-趙國雄 Edward Chiu


"Keep flying!  There is no limit to what you can achieve!!!"

香港童軍總會-九龍地域第1661旅空童軍團旅務委員會委員Shirley Kam


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